Sunday, August 14, 2011

No Free Markers for Me : (

I stopped into Walgreens and was super happy to see that they had lots of the washable Expo markers on sale for $3.99.  With a Walgreens coupon from the August booklet for $3 off, plus the printable I mentioned earlier this week for $2/2, you SHOULD be able to get 2 packs free.

I headed to the checkout with two packs of the bigger markers and two of the finer tipped, thinking I was going to get a great deal and happy that there were still LOTS for others.  The cashier said I could only buy one pack, and she wouldn't even bend and let me buy one pack of each type.  She informed me that they "needed to make sure other customers would be able to have some too."

I guess I should have felt guilty trying to buy two packages and deny other shoppers the benefit of Expo markers?  I'm over Walgreens.  They do a terrible job of ordering an adequate stock, especially for big sales & now they suddenly only want to allow you one of every sale item.  If I was trying to buy 100, I could understand using some common sense and applying the brakes.  However, not allowing two of an item is just ridiculous. 

In my opinion (take it for what it's worth) I think they like to offer one or two super deals a week to attract customers into the store.  When you get there you're either 1)super-restricted, to the point your trip is wasted when driving from out of town, or 2)they're wiped out of the item- both because they do not stock their shelves appropriately.  It has nothing to do with extreme shoppers clearing the shelves; Walgreens just has poor planning and randomly created rationing policies. 

Okay, I'm done complaining now.  I am very sorry if anyone wasted paper and ink printing the coupon for this one.  On the up side, I'll be posting some terrific deals from JC Penney, Target, Walmart, Kohl's, and Dillons after naptime today : )

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