I currently have ten Swag Bucks referral participants; however, only one seems to actively be earning bucks. This made me think about how many people might be out there who have joined, but still aren't sure how to put the system to work. For all of you folks, as well as anyone who might be interested in giving it a try, I am starting a weekly series dedicated to the Swag.
Part 1 this week will be very simple: the basics of what it is and how to join. Each week I will explain one more facet for you to test, before adding on another the following week. My hope is that this will give everyone an opportunity to learn in baby steps and ask questions. I know that trying new technology can be very intimidating for some, so please post questions or message me if I can be of any additional assistance.
What is Swag Bucks?
Swag Bucks describes itself as "the web's premier digital dollar." I'm not sure if that really gives one a clear idea of why they might wish to join, so here is my definition. Swag Bucks is a website you can use to earn prizes in various ways. You can complete free offers, play games, print and redeem coupons, complete tasks, install a search bar and search, chat, watch videos, find deals (and earn rewards for purchasing them), recycle books and electronics, participate in daily polls, take surveys, and of course invite others.
By participating in these activities, you earn Swagbucks, which can be exchanged for a myriad of prizes. Though there are hundreds of choices, I typically go for the Amazon gift cards. I enjoy accumulating gift card credits, which never expire on Amazon, to be used for future gifts and needs. Just this week I ordered a life jacket and some silicone silly feet baking cups for our summer swimming adventures and baking; all free with my Amazon credits.
How do I join?
I found out about Swag Bucks from Money Saving Mom and used her link to sign up. I would suppose that many people find out about Swag Bucks from reading blogs or from a friend who has joined. Members do receive duplicate Swagbucks earned solely through their referrals' searches, up to 1000 bucks.
I certainly appreciate the credit I receive for sharing this awesome opportunity with others, but I would never want anyone to think that I share this information simply for referral credits. Most of my personal benefit from Swag Bucks at this point has come from my own searching, couponing, video watching, and offer completions & it has helped my family immensely. My hope is that others will find how easy it is to win prizes and gift cards that are as good as cash, to help stretch budgets that might be tight like my own.
You can click here to use my referral link and get started, or you are completely welcome to do a quick search for Swag Bucks and sign up that route. Be sure to stay tuned next week for Part 2 in the series, when I will walk you through installing the free search toolbar for the easiest way to earn your Swagbucks!
(Note: There are links in this post that are my referral links. Read more about my affiliate/referral links.)
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